track integratedCrePeaks shortLabel Integrated CRE longLabel Integrated CRE Peaks and TSS Activity superTrack on show priority 1 visibility dense track integratedCAGE bigDataUrl CAGEintegrated.bigBed shortLabel CAGE CRE longLabel Integrated CAGE CRE peaks type bigBed 9 visibility dense itemRgb on parent integratedCrePeaks html mm10CrePeaks.html priority 1.1 track integratedNETCAGE bigDataUrl NETCAGEintegrated.bigBed shortLabel NET-CAGE CRE longLabel Integrated NET-CAGE CRE peaks type bigBed 9 visibility dense itemRgb on parent integratedCrePeaks html mm10CrePeaks.html priority 1.2 track integratedCageTotal shortLabel CAGE total TSS longLabel Integrated CAGE total TSS activity type bigWig visibility full priority 2 maxHeightPixels 8:80:128 aggregate transparentOverlay autoScale on showSubtrackColorOnUi on parent integratedCrePeaks on container multiWig html mm10IntegratedTSSActivity.html priority 1.3 track CAGEpooltotalctssrev bigDataUrl CAGEpooltotalctssrev.bigWig shortLabel CAGE pool 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longLabel NET-CAGE pool total fwd type bigWig visibility full color 255,0,0 autoScale on parent integratedNetCageTotal on track mm10crePeaks shortLabel CRE individual peaks longLabel CRE individual peaks type bigBed visibility hide priority 2 dimensions dimX=Protocol dimY=TissueSource sortOrder TissueSource=+ Protocol=+ subGroup1 TissueSource TissueSource Brain=Brain Kidney=Kidney subGroup2 Protocol Protocol CAGE=CAGE NETCAGE=NET-CAGE compositeTrack off html mm10CrePeaks.html track CAGEbrain bigDataUrl CAGEbrain.bigBed shortLabel brain CAGE CRE longLabel brain CAGE CRE peaks type bigBed 9 visibility dense itemRgb on subGroups Protocol=CAGE TissueSource=Brain parent mm10crePeaks html mm10CrePeaks.html priority 2.1 track NETCAGEbrain bigDataUrl NETCAGEbrain.bigBed shortLabel brain NET-CAGE CRE longLabel brain NET-CAGE CRE peaks type bigBed 9 visibility dense itemRgb on subGroups Protocol=NETCAGE TissueSource=Brain parent mm10crePeaks html mm10CrePeaks.html priority 2.2 track CAGEkidney 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bigDataUrl CAGEbraintotalctssfwd.bigWig shortLabel Brain CAGE total fwd longLabel Brain CAGE total fwd type bigWig visibility full color 255,0,0 autoScale on parent CAGEbraintotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track CAGEbraintotalctssrev bigDataUrl CAGEbraintotalctssrev.bigWig shortLabel Brain CAGE total rev longLabel Brain CAGE total rev type bigWig visibility full color 0,0,255 autoScale on parent CAGEbraintotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEbraintotal shortLabel Brain NET-CAGE total longLabel Brain NET-CAGE total TSS activity type bigWig visibility full maxHeightPixels 8:80:128 aggregate transparentOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on parent mm10TssActivity container multiWig priority 3.2 autoScale on html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEbraintotalctssrev bigDataUrl NETCAGEbraintotalctssrev.bigWig shortLabel Brain NET-CAGE total rev longLabel Brain NET-CAGE total rev type bigWig visibility full color 0,0,255 autoScale on parent NETCAGEbraintotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEbraintotalctssfwd bigDataUrl NETCAGEbraintotalctssfwd.bigWig shortLabel Brain NET-CAGE total fwd longLabel Brain NET-CAGE total fwd type bigWig visibility full color 255,0,0 autoScale on parent NETCAGEbraintotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track CAGEkidneytotal shortLabel Kidney CAGE total longLabel Kidney CAGE total TSS activity type bigWig visibility full maxHeightPixels 8:80:128 aggregate transparentOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on parent mm10TssActivity container multiWig priority 3.3 autoScale on html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track CAGEkidneytotalctssfwd bigDataUrl CAGEkidneytotalctssfwd.bigWig shortLabel Kidney CAGE total fwd longLabel Kidney CAGE total fwd type bigWig visibility full color 255,0,0 autoScale on parent CAGEkidneytotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track CAGEkidneytotalctssrev bigDataUrl CAGEkidneytotalctssrev.bigWig shortLabel Kidney CAGE total rev longLabel Kidney CAGE total rev type bigWig visibility full color 0,0,255 autoScale on parent CAGEkidneytotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEkidneytotal shortLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total longLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total TSS activity type bigWig visibility full maxHeightPixels 8:80:128 aggregate transparentOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on parent mm10TssActivity container multiWig priority 3.4 autoScale on html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEkidneytotalctssfwd bigDataUrl NETCAGEkidneytotalctssfwd.bigWig shortLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total fwd longLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total fwd type bigWig visibility full color 255,0,0 autoScale on parent NETCAGEkidneytotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track NETCAGEkidneytotalctssrev bigDataUrl NETCAGEkidneytotalctssrev.bigWig shortLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total rev longLabel Kidney NET-CAGE total rev type bigWig visibility full color 0,0,255 autoScale on parent NETCAGEkidneytotal html mm10TotalTSSActivity.html track mogplusTrack bigDataUrl mogplusTrack.vcfTabix shortLabel mog+ Variation longLabel snp/ins/del of 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