Directory Index: /cre/v0.1/human_integrated/

File Name Last Modified Size Description
human-CREv0.1_CAGE.hg38.cre-peaks.bed.gz 2023-03-23 21:23:46 +0900 2.3M Integrated CRE peaks called with all human CAGE samples (BED format)
human-CREv0.1_CAGE.hg38.ctss.bed.gz 2023-03-23 21:23:46 +0900 27M Integrated CTSS of all human CAGE samples (BED format)
human-CREv0.1_NETCAGE.hg38.cre-peaks.bed.gz 2023-03-23 21:23:46 +0900 3.6M Integrated CRE peaks called with all human NET-CAGE samples (BED format)
human-CREv0.1_NETCAGE.hg38.ctss.bed.gz 2023-03-23 21:23:48 +0900 79M Integrated CTSS of all human NET-CAGE samples (BED format)